Application Tips: The Arts Council Agility Award
Cli Donnellan
1. Apply for this fund if you’ve never applied for Arts Council funding before.
If you’ve never made an application to The Arts Council before, they encourage you to make an application to this fund. It’s suitable for you at any stage of your creative career.
2. Allow up to 5 days to receive your Artist Reference Number.
The first thing you need to do, if you haven’t already, is register to get your Artist Reference Number. This could take up to 5 days to arrive. When you get your ARN and you receive a password, you can then sign in. This is the only way to make your application.
3. Allow time to receive materials from any collaborators.
If you want to work with a collaborator or mentor, you’ll have to include their CVs/bios, as well as a letter of support from them which includes them saying that they’re happy to work with you and their fee. Contact your collaborators sooner rather than later to give them time to get these to you.
If your collaborator is not linked to an organisation, leave that box in the application form blank.
4. Working with children entails additional documentation.
If you intend to work with children, you will have to confirm that you have suitable Child Safeguarding policies and procedures in place if your application is successful.
5. You can apply for between €1,500 to €5,000k.
The assessors won’t consider giving you any more or any less.
6. Gather everything into a folder on your desktop before you upload.
This will make life easier for you. Keep in mind that 40MB is the max volume that you can upload. Ensure that any links that you include in your application are working properly.
7. Ensure your name on the application is consistent with all documents.
When you’re putting your name into the form, it must be the same as all of your other documents. It also must be the same as your bank details and tax clearance cert. Any discrepancy with different names on different documents will cause a problem. Use the same name across the board.
8. Stick to the cited character limit for each question.
If you don’t stick to the character limits noted with each question on the application form, the assessors won’t see it and it may cause issues when trying to upload the document. The limits are built into the form.
9. Avoid the rush and submit 48 hours ahead of time.
Don’t leave submitting your application until the last day. It’s difficult to get support after 2pm on the final day so plan to submit 48 hours beforehand.
10. Write your detailed answer before your summary.
Write your detailed proposal first, then go back and write the summary in the previous question. This will save you time and make it easier for you to write the summary.
11. Ensure any dates you’ve cited are no earlier than October 2023.
The dates you cite on your application should be at least 4 months after the closing date for applications. This will give your application a chance to be processed in good time before you commence work.
12. After submitting, make sure you receive your application number.
Once you’ve downloaded your application form, fill it out on your desktop, then upload it along with your supporting material when you’ve everything ready. You can upload various materials at different times and save your application as a draft online before submitting.
Once you’ve submitted your application, you should receive two emails back; the second one will have your application number. Check your spam if you didn’t get this. If you still didn’t get it, get in touch with The Arts Council.
13. Don’t be hard on yourself if you’re not successful.
The number of applicants are high so if you don’t receive funding it may not be due any fault with your application. Funding unfortunately cannot be awarded to every applicant.
14. The Arts Council will help and support you.
For any subjective questions or questions specific to your situation that come to mind when applying, contact The Arts Council.
These tips are all topline and should be considered in addition to The Arts Council Guidelines. Make sure to read those guidelines carefully.