Entries by Rob Davis

Effective Communication & Collaboration

by Brian O’Regan   Effective collaboration takes time, patience, and effort – but it’s worth it.  Collaboration allows us to achieve things that we could not achieve on our own, […]

Looking for a Producer

Juley-Ann Collins + special guests: Promenade’s Kath Gorman & Ciara O’Mahoney   1. A producer is someone who coordinates, facilitates, and develops. Generally, the producer oversees budget and people management; […]

How to deal with failure and rejection in your career

by Brian O’Regan   1. You haven’t failed until you’ve quit. Temporary setbacks are inevitable when you’re working towards something big, but unless you’ve stopped trying, then you haven’t failed. […]

Essentials of Sync

by Brian Scally   1. Do your research Start out with TV shows, films, games, and brands you like. What types of music were used in them. Find out who […]

Selling Your Art Online

Sheelah Moloney’s Tips 1. There’s a strong art-buying market out there. Buyers are much more comfortable buying online than ever before and they like buying directly from the artist. 2. […]

Empowering women in the music industry

1. It’s not in your head, the music industry has not initially been set up to see women succeed. If you accept that, it will help you to shape the […]

Tips for Approaching Media

by Dwayne Woods   Read the publication or listen to the radio show you’re pitching to. Know the sections of the publication or show. Know why you want to be […]